As you know, we are constantly looking at ways to further enhance Taith360 to ensure we provide a system that schools find effective and useful when planning, tracking, and reporting against the new Curriculum for Wales.
Here’s the latest update on things we’ve been working on and have released, as well as some support news:…
Latest Release
Attitude to Learning updates
In our latest update, we have added the ability to record attitude to learning (ATL) for individual curriculum areas, in addition to a general attitude to learning. This lets you record different attitude scores for maths, literacy, and any other area, giving you a point of comparison for each pupil. You will be able to see clearly in one place how your pupils approach each area of the curriculum to help you adapt their learning and improve their engagement. Of course, if you are happy recording everything against a single criterion, you can continue to use the General area to record as before.

The enhanced ATL features are all fully integrated into our reporting additions, meaning that you can include ATL scores and comments in your interim and final reports.
Reporting additions
Speaking of reports, we have made several improvements to the reporting tools on Taith360 based upon feedback we received from schools involved in our focus groups*. These changes will make it easier than ever to produce accurate reports to send to parents and use in progress meetings.

• Teacher Observations and report comments – start building a bank of comments to include in reports over the course of the year. The new ‘Teacher Observations’ section allows you to record general comments and comments under the different curriculum areas. A future system update will allow these comments to be included in your customised report templates, we will of course inform you when this is ready.
• Better control over what is included in reports – Comments on the Pupil Overview page can now be flagged for inclusion in both overview PDFs and reports generated using your customised Word templates. This lets you specify which comments you wish to share, and which are solely for your own reference.
• Set date ranges for reports to parents – when you generate your reports to parents, be they interim or end of year, you can now specify a date range. This means that the system will generate a report that only includes statements, targets, and comments from within the specified period. This makes it easier to create termly reports using the system.
*If you would be interested in joining our focus groups to have your say on the future of Taith360, please get in touch.
Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) for Catholic Schools
As you know, all of the development on the system comes from requests from schools. At last year’s National Education Show, we were approached by a school regarding The Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) for Catholic Schools and Colleges to see if it could be added to Taith360.
Since then, we have reached out to the Catholic Education Service to enquire about using the Religious Education Directory outcome statements on Taith360 for the purpose of tracking and planning. After some positive conversations back and forth, we’re pleased to say that we have received permission to use them and transfer them into “I can…” statements for the system.
Therefore, if you would like this framework added as an option for your school, please get in touch and we can sort that for you.
Recent Feature Updates
PDF exports
As you are probably already aware, the Overview pages on Taith360 are broken down into Pupil Overview, Class Overview and School Overview (where you can view data on a cohort-by-cohort basis). It is now possible for you to export this data to PDF, for you to then print out or email as required.
To find out more about these outputs, please check out our PDF Outputs blog post
Custom frameworks
We understand the need for flexibility and to make the system work for you. Therefore, you may have seen we recently added functionality which allows you to add you own framework into Taith360. No longer do you need to use the descriptions of learning from the curriculum to track and plan against, it can be your own work.
Don’t forget to take a look at our Customisable Frameworks blog post on this as it goes into more detail on how this can work for you.
We have a range of online training packages available for schools, and they can be scheduled at a time convenient to you. Our training ranges from:
• Summary user guide training
• Detailed modular training
• Fully customisable bespoke training, designed to meet your school’s specific needs
If you would like to find out more about the training options we have to offer (including length and price of each session), you can find them on our website here. Alternatively, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to discuss the options with you.
Get in touch…
That is it for now, but we are always working on new features and further enhancements to Taith360.
As you will have hopefully seen, we are regularly requesting and listening to feedback from you, so if you ever have any suggestions or questions, please do get in touch as it helps us shape future development.
Erthyglau Perthnasol
Asesu wrth galon y dysgu
Yn Assessment360, rydym yn gwerthfawrogi pwysigrwydd lleihau llwyth gwaith athrawon nad ydynt yn addysgu ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu’r offer a’r gefnogaeth i’n hysgolion i wneud hynny. Trwy gydweithio ag ysgolion ac Awdurdodau Lleol yn y DU, mae gennym hanes o ddylunio systemau arloesol sy’n cynnig offeryn cynllunio, olrhain ac adrodd cyflawn, sy’n eich galluogi i olrhain dysgu plentyn ar draws y cwricwlwm llawn.
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