We have made a recent update to the system, so that wherever you have previously seen the word ‘Assess’, you will now see ‘Track’ – Track Plan, Tracking Notes etc. But why have we done this?

Primarily, this is in response to feedback we have had from you. It became apparent that what you do on Taith360 is not assessment – this takes place in the classroom. From work completed in books, to pupil engagement in lessons and group activities, and even brief interactions with pupils on the playground. All of this adds up to your understanding and assessment of the pupil and their skills.

What Taith360 enables you to do is track their abilities in these skills and record them all in one place, so you’re not reliant on remembering all that you have observed. You can then use Taith360 to help you identify next steps for your pupils to help them continue and thrive along their learning journey.

So, in short, nothing has changed in terms of the functionality of the system. This is simply a shift in terminology and understanding of what the system is being used for.


Asesu wrth galon y dysgu

Yn Assessment360, rydym yn gwerthfawrogi pwysigrwydd lleihau llwyth gwaith athrawon nad ydynt yn addysgu ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu’r offer a’r gefnogaeth i’n hysgolion i wneud hynny. Trwy gydweithio ag ysgolion ac Awdurdodau Lleol yn y DU, mae gennym hanes o ddylunio systemau arloesol sy’n cynnig offeryn cynllunio, olrhain ac adrodd cyflawn, sy’n eich galluogi i olrhain dysgu plentyn ar draws y cwricwlwm llawn.

I drafod sefydlu Taith360 neu Taith360 ar gyfer eich ysgol, cysylltwch â ni ar 0330 8281 360 neu anfonwch e-bost at support@assessment360.org.

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