“Progression in learning should always be at the heart of curriculum design…”
Recording pupil attainment and progress (from emerging to embedded) enables you to understand how well a pupil is progressing through each of the statements of what matter, and provides you with the information needed to ensure that the correct next steps are identified for each pupil.
“Progression is reflected in the statements of what matters, the descriptions of learning for each of these statements and is also the primary purpose of assessment. Understanding how learners progress is critical to learning and teaching and should inform curriculum design, classroom planning and assessment.”
On Taith360, we have recently added functionality to enable you to see how a pupil is progressing between fixed dates, whether that be narrowed down to a term or half term, or expanded out to cover multiple years. This enables you to focus on the results of a specific intervention, or the success of a particular unit of work.
We have also added the principles of progression to our planning functionality on Taith360, so that teachers can ensure they have a good grasp of what progression should look like when they are delivering their units of work. They can select where they feel pupils are within the principles of progression, and use this to help steer the learning taking place in the classroom.
“…schools and practitioners must use these principles to inform all learning in supporting progression.”
So, as you can see, just as it is with your pupils and schools, Taith360 is always moving forward.
Harry Dunbar
Support Team
Erthyglau Perthnasol
Asesu wrth galon y dysgu
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I drafod sefydlu Taith360 neu Taith360 ar gyfer eich ysgol, cysylltwch â ni ar 0330 8281 360 neu anfonwch e-bost at support@assessment360.org.