As you know, we are constantly looking at ways to further enhance Taith360 so that we are able to provide a system that schools find effective and useful when planning, tracking, assessing, and reporting against the new curriculum for Wales.

Here’s the latest update on things we’ve been working on and have released, as well as some support news:…

Principles of Progression

You will have hopefully seen our recent communications regarding adding Principles of Progression to Taith360.

You can now assign key Principles of Progression to your plans on Taith360. When building your plans, as you select each Area you require, simply click + Principles of Progression and you will be able to select the appropriate principles linked to that Area.

Track is the new Assess

You will have hopefully seen our recent communications regarding adding Principles of Progression to Taith360.

You can now assign key Principles of Progression to your plans on Taith360. When building your plans, as you select each Area you require, simply click + Principles of Progression and you will be able to select the appropriate principles linked to that Area.


The Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Code provides detail for schools and settings on what must be taught and when. It is also a statutory requirement in the Curriculum for Wales framework and is mandatory for all learners from ages 3 to 16.

We have therefore added the ability to include this content in your plans. When creating/editing a plan, simply select the Edit link in the RSE section and you will be able to select the relevant content set within the context of broad and interlinked learning strands; Relationships and identity, Sexual health and well-being, and finally, Empowerment, safety and respect.

Four Purpose Coverage

In addition to being able to map coverage against the descriptions of learning and the Statements of What Matters, we have also added this ability for the four purposes. Therefore, as staff link the different elements of the four purposes to their plans, they will be able to monitor and ensure that all aspects of the four purposes are being given equal balance throughout the curriculum.

Wonde Permissions

For those connected through Wonde, it is important that you keep an eye on the permissions which are given to systems such as Taith360.

Therefore, to complete a quick check and a simple approval of Taith360’s permissions, please login to your Wonde portal: – this will ensure we are pulling through correct information from your MIS (SIMS/Teacher Centre, etc.).

Get in touch…

That is it for now, but we are always working on new features and further enhancements to Taith360.

As you will have hopefully seen, we are regularly requesting and listening to feedback from you, so if you ever have any suggestions or questions, please do get in touch as it helps us shape future development.

Erthyglau Perthnasol

Asesu wrth galon y dysgu

Yn Assessment360, rydym yn gwerthfawrogi pwysigrwydd lleihau llwyth gwaith athrawon nad ydynt yn addysgu ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu’r offer a’r gefnogaeth i’n hysgolion i wneud hynny. Trwy gydweithio ag ysgolion ac Awdurdodau Lleol yn y DU, mae gennym hanes o ddylunio systemau arloesol sy’n cynnig offeryn cynllunio, olrhain ac adrodd cyflawn, sy’n eich galluogi i olrhain dysgu plentyn ar draws y cwricwlwm llawn.

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