Having spoken with many schools over the past few months when either setting up on Taith360, or updating to the new academic year, we have had various questions asked of us; How can we use Taith360 to baseline our Reception pupils? Can we still access Incerts to record the Baseline? How can I access the Compact Profile? Is this functionality available on Taith360?

The main purpose of the statutory Foundation Phase baseline assessment was to provide a nationally consistent baseline assessment which aligns with end of phase outcomes, which are no more. We touched on this in our previous blog post (On-entry assessments and Taith360).

What does this mean for us? What do we do now

​Initial on entry assessments still need to be recorded to help determine next steps for children’s progression and the teaching and learning necessary to facilitate that progress. Having read through the assessment legislation for the current academic year, we have found that schools can decide which parts of the curriculum to make initial assessments against, but they must include elements of literacy, numeracy, and PSE. To help with this, we have included the developmental pathways from the Curriculum for funded non-maintained nursey settings and the Routes for Learning ABC steps for the LNF and DCF.

The legislation also makes it clear that all on entry assessments should be made using the new Curriculum for Wales.

But where did we find this information? This blog details our findings…

What is meant by Assessing on entry

​We began by looking at The Education (Arrangements for Assessing in the Curriculum for Wales) Regulations 2022. This piece of legislation discusses the making, implementation, review, and revision of ongoing, as well as on entry assessments. In section 6, headed Making of arrangements for assessing on entry, section 6(3) mentions that:


Which Curriculum should we use?

​Crucial to the above, is the term “relevant curriculum” which is defined in section 56(5) of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021 as:


​Section 11 refers to section 10, through to sections 20-24 which state that the curriculum requirements are the following:


​These are all key aspects of the new Curriculum for Wales which means that when assessing in relation to the relevant curriculum, assessments should be made with the new Curriculum for Wales in mind.

But which parts of the new Curriculum should we be using?

​When looking again at Making of arrangements for assessing on entry, Section 6(4) points out:

“It is vital that assessment arrangements must–

  1. be suitable for pupils and children of differing ages, abilities, and aptitudes, and
  2. include arrangements for assessing–
  1. the numeracy and literacy skills of pupils and children, and
  2. the physical, social, and emotional development of pupils and children.”

In conclusion, it is up to schools to decide what parts of the curriculum they will baseline, but it must include numeracy, literacy and PSE.

For help with recording an on entry assessment on Taith360, please click here.

You can find more information about Taith360 on our website and there is also useful documentation on our Help & Advice site.

Adam Wilkinson
Support Manager, Assessment360

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