We’ve been blown away by the brilliant way in which the entire education community have responded to this challenge, and we want to do whatever we can to continue offering our support.

Our team are on hand to help you with whatever you need, but right now we’d especially like to offer help in sharing information between teachers and parents, and with increasing our capacity to deliver free, remote training to any of our users.


Would you like some training on how to get the most out of Incerts? We can offer free one-to-one or group training sessions.

  • Our one-to-one sessions are conducted via a telephone call with both the trainer and trainee logged into the same school and looking at the same pages on the system.
  • We can also train a group of users using online web-conference tools (Microsoft Teams) where we will be able to screen share so that you can see exactly what is being talked about.

We’ve had some brilliant feedback from past attendees who’ve found that our sessions have greatly improved their understanding of Incerts, and have translated that into time saved in school:

“Really interesting to see lots of features I didn’t know were available! We do lots of this in a far more labour intensive way, so this will save us time!”

If you would like to book one of these training options, simply get in touch with us to let us know what you would like training on and how many people the training will be for, and we’ll schedule something with you.​​

Our Targets Reports provide personalised next steps for each pupil based on their current attainments. These can be emailed to parents so they will know what they should be working on with their child. You can find more information about these slips under the Reporting to Parents section of our Help & Advice site https://help.assessment360.org/


If you’re thinking of sending your end of year reports out sooner than usual, we would recommend checking your current report templates (if you already have them set up on Incerts) and letting us know of any changes you would like.

Our example reports will give you some ideas (including grouping subjects under headings for the new AoLEs) – cherry-pick the features you like, and we’ll create new templates. You can also find these  under the Reporting to Parents section of our Help & Advice site https://help.assessment360.org/We hope these suggestions are helpful, and if there’s anything you need from us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Asesu wrth galon y dysgu

Yn Assessment360, rydym yn gwerthfawrogi pwysigrwydd lleihau llwyth gwaith athrawon nad ydynt yn addysgu ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu’r offer a’r gefnogaeth i’n hysgolion i wneud hynny. Trwy gydweithio ag ysgolion ac Awdurdodau Lleol yn y DU, mae gennym hanes o ddylunio systemau arloesol sy’n cynnig offeryn cynllunio, olrhain ac adrodd cyflawn, sy’n eich galluogi i olrhain dysgu plentyn ar draws y cwricwlwm llawn.

I drafod sefydlu Taith360 neu Taith360 ar gyfer eich ysgol, cysylltwch â ni ar 0330 8281 360 neu anfonwch e-bost at support@assessment360.org.

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