In the ‘Supporting learner progression: assessment guidance’ published on Hwb, it specifies that:

“Assessment plays a fundamental role in ensuring each individual learner is supported and challenged accordingly. It should contribute to developing a holistic picture of the learner, their strengths, the ways in which they learn, and their areas for development, in order to inform next steps in learning and teaching.”

We have developed Taith360 specifically to be used with that in mind. Here is how you go about doing that…

Whole Class Overview

Using easy to read graphical displays, you can quickly identify Areas of Learning which may need additional focus for a given class. You can then drill down further to identify individual pupils or groups of pupils who would benefit from additional support in that Area.

Pupil Focus

Once a pupil has been identified, you can view an area in more detail to pinpoint where support is needed. You can easily determine which Statements of What Matter may be causing difficulties for the pupil, so that you can examine that further.

Identifying Next Steps

Once you have identified a Statement of What Matters that needs closer inspection, you can get into the detail of precisely which skills the pupil needs further assistance with. You can also pick out which skills have already been planned for, and which still need to planned in.

Planning for Success

Having identified the skills that need to be looked at you can now add these into your plans. Planning with Taith360 helps you to monitor planned curriculum coverage for your class, as well as providing you with a means of demonstrating how other key components of the curriculum, including the Four Purposes and the Principles of Progression, are being embedded in your lessons.

Ongoing Tracking of Progress

It is then simple to track attainment from your plans, to ensure that you have an accurate picture of what your pupils can do, and that you can easily monitor the progress that is being made. At this point, we have come full circle, as you can now view progress on a whole class level with your updated tracking, ready to feed into future plans.

Want To See More?

If you would like to see more of Taith360, and how all of this can be done on the system, please email, or give us a call on 0330 8281 360, and we will be happy to book in a demo for you.

If you have any questions about any of this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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Yn Assessment360, rydym yn gwerthfawrogi pwysigrwydd lleihau llwyth gwaith athrawon nad ydynt yn addysgu ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu’r offer a’r gefnogaeth i’n hysgolion i wneud hynny. Trwy gydweithio ag ysgolion ac Awdurdodau Lleol yn y DU, mae gennym hanes o ddylunio systemau arloesol sy’n cynnig offeryn cynllunio, olrhain ac adrodd cyflawn, sy’n eich galluogi i olrhain dysgu plentyn ar draws y cwricwlwm llawn.

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