Is there a place for technology in education?

Used appropriately, technology can enhance the academic and pastoral experience in your school and have varied positive impacts on teaching, learning, and overall educational outcomes.

With school budgets growing ever tighter, knowing which technology will have the greatest impact on helping learners to achieve their goals is more important than ever. Technology is used widely in other fields to bring about positive changes, improve efficiency, and address various challenges. These same demands exist in education.


How good technology can be used well

The way the technology is used is almost as important as the technology itself. Where technology is used effectively, it forms part of a wider vision for the school. The ultimate aim of any technology in education is to ensure each student is on the best learning path for their particular needs and situation.

How good technology can be used badly

How effective technology is, is very dependent on how it is used. A good example is social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Tik Tok. When used effectively these technologies can promote community, allow sharing of ideas, connect you with like-minded people, and keep you up to date with topics that interest you. However, there is an addictive element to social media, and it can be used for cyberbullying and to sow misinformation.


Hints and Tips for choosing Ed Tech


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