We have made several changes to the way that Taith360 can assist you with report writing throughout the year, whether it be interim termly reports or an end of year report to parents.

Teacher Observations and comments

Something that has been asked for since Taith360 was first introduced is for teachers to be able to add comments and observations to the system that can then be included in reports. We took this on board and have now developed this feature and added it to Taith360. This allows you to build a bank of comments and observations throughout the year to be included on your reports.

Teacher Observations is a new section that has been added to the Pupil Overview page (and the Classes page). Under Teacher Observations, you can record general observations and area specific comments ready for inclusion in reports. This way, your own words can be included on reports from Taith360 alongside (or in place of) the system generated statements and targets, making the reports feel much more personal from the get-go.

Greater control over report content

We have also revamped some of the other comment sections on Taith360 and updated them so that they can be included in reports. You can now specify which comments from the Pupil Overview page you want to include on reports and PDF outputs. This lets you control which comments are shared with parents and carers, and which ones stay on the system for your own reference.

Date range control

Date ranges can now be specified on the Reports to Parents page, making it easier than ever to use Taith360 to assist with interim and termly reporting. Any report generated by the system will now only include statements, targets, and flagged comments from within the specified range, helping to build an ongoing picture of the pupil’s progression while reducing the likelihood of repetition between reporting cycles.

Customisable Templates

The above changes can all be included on your school’s customised reports template. Please get in touch with the support team (support@assessment360.org) if you would like to update your templates. If you haven’t yet added your own customised template to the system, we have a few examples on our Help & Advice site to get you started, but ultimately you can decide on the look and content of your reports, and we will work with you to add them to the system.

We can also update your template throughout the year, so if you wish to use a more focused template for your interim reporting, and a longer, more in-depth one for your end of year reports, simply get in touch when you would like the changes made and we can sort it out for you.

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I drafod sefydlu Taith360 neu Taith360 ar gyfer eich ysgol, cysylltwch â ni ar 0330 8281 360 neu anfonwch e-bost at support@assessment360.org.

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